Wednesday 4 December 2013

Get Here

Today is a hard day for me. I was stuck at traffic for 3 hours and came late at office. When I just bump into my desk, the next second everything came up to test me (in a bad way of course). Until the end of office hours. Not only work, friends, even love one tried to test me..

And as I write this in the middle of Jakarta's traffic inside a taxi, I realize that this is the way Allah "wake me up". I realize that in the end we will end up alone. I realize that only God that we can count on.

Allah is so nice and wants me to think of this inside a really comfortable taxi with a super care and nice driver. There is always a reason behind every test..

I can think clearly, manage my emotions and become grateful for everything.

Thanks Allah for today, I never feel this close with You other than today 😊


Saturday 1 June 2013


I am currently on board with bluebird MT 073 around pondok indah area. The driver is busy texting with his phone. I feel gloomy now...

As a normal person, I think it's ok for me to feel sad, disappointed, or even feel worth less.

I love my life and thank God for my beautiful stories. However, this stupid hormon drives me to uncontrolled mood and thought.

I feel so stupid, ugly, dumb and whatever you guys named it as long as the meaning is negative.

I want to cry but don't have any reasons to do it.

Well, I did. Inside this taxi. My tears clear up my pain.

Thank you.


Friday 18 January 2013


Yep. Timing is a bitch, baby..

Duh, gue merasa otak yang berusia 24 tahun 13 hari ini semakin tumpul. Pekerjaan di kantor sedang kelewat santai. Pengen banget bisa aktif nulis lagi tapi semakin ke sini kok berasa semakin gak punya kemampuan untuk menulis ya?

This is my first post in 2013 and please allow me to say Happy New Year!!

Pagi ini (17/1/13) kondisi Jakarta terpantau basah. Hujan besar sejak semalam belum berhenti hingga detik tulisan ini gue bikin (8.14am). Di twitter, udah banyak laporan banjir di berbagai area dan gue pun jadi malas untuk pergi ke kantor.

Saat ini tepat pukul 1.38pm dan gue masih duduk cantik bersama marco di kamar. Marco is the name of my laptop btw..
Awalnya mencoba untuk nyelesain kerjaan tapi oh tapi sepertinya alam ingin gue melakukan hal lain. Gue selalu menyebut ini dengan konspirasi alam. Ya, mendadak saat pekerjaan sudah hampir selesai, marco hang. Anehnya, khusus bagian yang ada kerjaan gue doang. Lalu gue mencoba lagi log in beberapa jam kemudian, tak disangka tak dinyana...server website down. Alhasil, beginilah gue sekarang. Mencoba menulis di blog kesayangan sambil menyusun playlist baru di ipod yang gue beri judul "ost of life" pas dilihat ulang kok ngenes bener ya lagu-lagu yang gue masukin?
playlist galau
I wonder, emang hidup gue segitu miserable dan segitu ngegalaunya ya? ckckckc...

Back to topic. semakin kesini, semakin gue merasa waktu itu sesuatu yang rumit. Waktu dan takdir itu sama-sama suka mempermainkan manusia ya. Nah, sekarang gue sedang dihadapkan pada masalah yang lumayan gede. I have to make decision and it's not the easy one cause it affects my future..Tapi, gara-gara 'waktu' gue semakin sulit untuk membuat keputusan. Oh dear time, please please stop playing with me...please be my friend..


NS- xx