Tuesday 11 September 2012

From Twitter..

Dari Twitter mba @djenarmaesaayu 4 days ago:

"Ada pertemuan yang harus terjadi untuk menyatukan. Ada juga pertemuan yang harus terjadi agar kita belajar memaknai perpisahan"



Wednesday 5 September 2012

Shall we?

September 2012

Shall we move this conversation to coffee table?

Thursday 7 June 2012

Same Place, Different Feeling

My Thursday is no longer the same. Remember when I wrote a post about middle moment about Thursday here? I don't have it anymore.

They stole my middle moment. Here I write a post using the same laptop, in the same table, same chair, same office. But somehow, it feels really really different...

Maybe because the one who sit on my right side is no longer kak Dinda and the one who sit on my left side is no longer Dili. No more 2.47pm dirty talk, no more laugh, no more McDonald's delivery for crunchy (gosh, I am in tears when I write this...)

Well, I have deal with so many 'goodbyes' and 'farewell' but this changes is just happen too fast for me. I always think that I am a strong person, I can live alone anywhere as long as it's clean tho :P
However, I never have this kind of feeling before. I feel like the world is spinning but I keep on stand still. I feel like everyone is changing but I am not. Everyone move forward but I keep on silence watching them grow up.

I need to move on and let go the past. Unfortunately, I am not the kind of person that forget easily. I remember every memory, every moment, every laugh, every tears, every sweat..(OK, mulai lebay).. I remember everything that really enjoyed me in the past.

We are the LFC Academy girls that night..

First week of work as a Team
Friday Training

 I miss those moments. I miss a feeling called 'TEAM'.


That was one of my really precious moments and feelings. Today, I realize, my heart and feelings about the past is like this building, it won't change although the people changes. I think I still live in the past, that is why my feeling in present is different although I sit in the same place..

Good luck and best wishes for my right and left side, Ms. A and Ms. Dils...

Thursday 9 February 2012

Breakfast in the sky

Yeah, the title seems a bit romantic while the truth is not.

It's tired.


Friday 27 January 2012

Hold on the faith

Friday was an emotional day..

I woke up at 5.15am and feels damn tired. I came late to office stuck at a very bad traffic. It surely was not a good thing to start a day.

Daily lesson: Never give up, dont let your mood control you!

Keep the Faith!


Thursday 26 January 2012

Designing Destiny

Nice weather today here in Wisma Metropolitan, Jakarta, Indonesia...

It's just like another Thursday, ordinary one yet it feels different.
Today I feel free..

With a cup of hot lemon tea on my table, I feel like now having a new journey back to the past. Moment and memories are starting to play inside my head. What happen on Thursday? What so special about Thursday?

Thursday is a day after Wednesday and of course a day before Friday, The Weekend gateway. However, a Thursday is always having a special meaning because it's not the crappy Monday nor the happy Saturday but the moment between leaving weekdays and about having weekend, I called it middle moment.

Back at Uni, Thursday was my fave day. I forgot what year it was but the reason I love Thursday is I love the subject: Editing and Design with Jan Harkin. I also have a friend named Tass Barbadonis. He's nice and sweet :)

Well, I gotta go now. Need to attend the British Chamber Gathering with office colleagues tonight. Good Nite for now..

Daily lesson: Smile and laugh make you better..


Wednesday 25 January 2012

A Daily Lesson: Brand new resolution

I have been working as Public Relations and Events at Liverpool International Football Academy for almost 5 months but today is my first day writing a media release!

It's quite interesting since I never make a release without an event. The release is about Academy Coach (Ben Parsonage) Arrival from Liverpool FC to Jakarta exclusive with series of Ben's Picture and profile..

With a help of our beloved intern, Wafina Mario, I did the media kit less than 3 hours. Well, it's an achievement for me personally because usually it takes me more than 3 days to complete it!

Anyway, enough with working things. My head starts spinning if I remember that I really have lots of things to do tomorrow at office. Wish me luck, guys..

I just realised that everyday is our personal lesson day in life. As we grow older, we experience many different things in this life.Friends, enemies, works, assesment, and even..love?

From now on, I will try to write my daily-life-lesson and be grateful for it.

...And lesson of the day is make a plan of your to do list, stick with it, give yourself deadline and STAY FOCUS! in order to produce your best!

Wednesday 4 January 2012

New movement

I am addicted and I just can't get enough.

Happy New year 2012!
Oh well, I have nothing to write or say.
Currently, I love this song:

Have a nice afternoon,

NS - xx